Generating a New Request File for Dongle License
Step 1: Plug your dongle in the computer.
Step 2: Open CodeMeter Control Center. This can be done via Windows menu (Start - Programs CodeMeter - CodeMeter Control Center).
CodeMeter Control Center - CmStick ready to update page
Next you need to generate a request file.
Step 3: Click on CmStick/C and click License Update:
CodeMeter Control Center - page with CmStick
Step 5: Click Next on wizard.
Starting the wizard in CodeMeter Control Center for CmStick
Step 6: Select Create license request and click Next.
Create license request in wizard in CodeMeter Control Center for CmStick
Step 7: Select Add license of a new producer and click Next.
Introducing a new dongle license
Step 8: Enter the code 101672 and click Next.
Writing the FirmCode for a new dongle license
Step 9: Select the path and click Commit.
Selecting the dongle file in wizard in CodeMeter Control Center
The RAC file expires in 21 days, so please send it to Amano before the expiration period!