Make Booking in Astrow Mobile

This is the VT function where the user can make a real-time booking.
The booking can also include the GPS location. The location can be checked in employee daily view:
Mobile booking with location activated seen in Astrow Web daily view

Settings for GPS location

1. You can force the location when booking with your mobile phone. This will be set in the Employee definition.
Force location setting in Astrow Web
2. You can set that bookings without location activated cannot be made. This is done in Astrow Settings:
Activate bookings location in Astrow Web
The screen always shows the server time, which is independent of the local time. Bookings can also be created when there is no connection with the server, and the user previously logged in successfully at least once. Local credentials will be used to log in and make bookings.
To add a new booking, go to menu and press Make Booking. Click to add a booking.
New booking in Astrow Mobile
There will be available all VT options (MC list, CC list, grace time if applied, etc.). Here is the screen with all booking options activated (see Add Booking in VT for more details).
Booking VT options in Astrow Mobile