System config. tab of System settings window in Astrow Web
Company Logo: This will put a logo on ST-25 terminals.
Company Id: This ID is used in extended export.
Company name: The company name is used when generating reports.
Company Logo - Visitor label printing: The logo to appear on Visitors labels. The uploaded image must be 300x50 pixels PNG or BMP format.
No. of months to keep archive on HD: Define for how long to keep data on the hard disk.
No. of days to keep bad bookings: Bad bookings are bookings without a badge defined in the system. Here you can fill in the number of days the bad bookings have to be kept (between 7 and 365 days).
Use 'Standard Start-End' instead of 'Core Start-End' for early leave/late arrival calculation: Use this parameter to switch to the Standard Start/End parameter (if specified in the day program) instead of the Core Start/End for the authorization of absences. When this option is checked, this parameter will be taken into consideration – instead of using the Core time parameter - when using late arrival or early departure.
Polling cycle (sec): Define the number of seconds between the polling sessions (automatically getting bookings from the terminal and sending back results to Astrow).
Week starting day: This option enables the users to define the day of the week their working week starts with.
Use hexadecimal badge numbers: If YES, Astrow can read in hexadecimal badge numbers (PAC).
Calculation engine language: Enter the language to be used when executing the automatic communication. Calculation messages (see Application log) will be saved in the database in the language chosen.
Delete inactive employees from groups: If YES, this enables the deletion of inactive employees from groups.
View bookings location: If YES, it enables the location on bookings with Astrow Mobile VT.
Remove visitors older than X days: You can set the number of days to keep visitors data before deletion. This parameter is set at installation, and it can be modified here.
No. of months to keep Access events on HD: Here you can define the number of months to keep GS events before deletion. This parameter is set at installation, and it can be modified here.
Keep booking history: If YES, the user can export the bookings history in the Employee report; if NO, the bookings history will not be saved in the database and the column All real bookings will not be displayed in the Employees report.
Enable site occupancy: If YES, the option enables the Occupancy Monitor usage (
Site Reservation and
Occupancy Monitor). The option is activated by default with the license Occupancy Monitor; however, it can be also be deactivated.
View terminal employees in Roll Call: This is a general setting for starting the Roll Call in emergency cases which takes into consideration the terminal and the company site where the Roll Call was started when displaying the employees:
NO – displays in Roll Call only the employees from the company sites where roll call was started;
Only employees that booked – includes in Roll Call all the employees that booked on the terminal in the last 24 hours;
All employees on terminal – displays in Roll Call all employees linked to the terminal as defined in
General tab or
Bio distribution tab in
Employees definition.
Auto approve site requests: If YES, the reservation requests won't go through the approval process; they will be added automatically as reservations.
Force Custom time bigger than zero for absence requests: If YES, the absence requests added with
Custom time must have a value bigger than zero (see explanations about the custom time type in
Add, Edit and Delete Absences).
Enable data collection for ESS:
If you use Data Collection, here you can set the parameter for ESS data collection requests.
Enable data collection authorization: If you use Data Collection, here you can set the parameter for authorization.
Automatic time allocation on default department: Used with Department Registration. If YES, the values of the counters will be automatically assigned to the default department from the Employee definition without any other action.
Automatic check-out visitors: If YES, all visitors without check-out records will be automatically checked out at midnight.
Automatic check-out visitors exit time: Here you can set the time to check out all visitors without check-out records in a day.
Automatic check-out front desk visitors after x hours: Here you can set the time exit interval to check out all front desk visitors.
Upload absence request print template file: If you need a custom print template for absence requests, please contact your provider! The HR System will be able to upload the new template file using the button
. This can be done in Manage Request and Request History.
Make project bookings by QRcode: If YES, the project booking can also scan the activity's QR code with Astrow Mobile. If NO, the project booking can be added only manually in Astrow Mobile.
View all projects in Mobile Terminal when it is offline: This setting enables the possibility to use the Mobile Terminal with Projects when the phone/tablet is offline;
Automatic process job swap request upon team mate accept: If YES, the job swap request is considered accepted without the need to be approved by the Manager;
Bank holiday has low priority when calculating: If YES, the bank holiday will have a lower priority at calculation than any normal absence added that day;
Bank holiday has low priority starting date: If you set the bank holiday to have a lower priority at calculation, here you can set the starting date;
Use confirmation message when confirm T&A status: If YES, when confirming the T&A status, employees will receive the following message of confirmation "I confirm that I have respected my daily rest time of consecutive weekly rest with total disconnection. I would alert my manager in case of difficulty in my work organization."
Disable edit Confirm T&A status if Manager already approved it: If YES, once the T&A status is confirmed by the employee and approved by the Manager, it cannot be edited;
Allow T counters to be used in Project Activity: If YES, the time spent on a project activity can be stored in a T counter;
Mifare card mode: This is an option to set the way the mifare card code will be interpreted, decimal or hexadecimal.
Keep real bookings: Astrow automatically saves a copy of every booking given on any connected terminal in the database. Even when changing the booking, these real bookings can be consulted in the daily overview (see Daily View Window in Team Manager). If you uncheck this option, you will deactivate this automatic option, and the real bookings will be completely deleted from the database.
Employee number format: Here you can choose if the Employee no. will be text or integer.
Allow duplicate employees numbers: If YES, this will allow duplicate Employee No.
Enable operation logging: If checked, this option will activate the Operation Log.