In tab Settings, you can define some settings for displaying/saving the export:
Export only headers and footers (Report and Personal from Headers tab): (for extended exports) If checked, this will export only the info in headers and footers (see Extended Export Headers).
Put fixed header before column names: (for extended exports) If checked, the fixed header will be put before column names (see Extended Export Headers).
Export column names: If checked, it exports the columns name.
Export zero (0) or null values: If checked, it will also export the null values. If not, the whole line will be excluded from the export.
Export plus (+) sign: If checked, + sign will accompany all positive values.
Value sign position: The sign + or - can be placed before or after value.
Hours format: Can be set to HH.dd (hundreds) or minutes HH:mm. By default, it is set to hundreds;
Include colon (:) in HH:mm hours format: If checked and hours format in minutes, this will include the colon in the view.
Character(s) around value: Here, you can set a character before and after each value you export;
Space replacement: It is used for Text fields to replace the spaces with text defined here;
Field separator: The field/column separator used to separate the fields on a line. It can be empty when using fixed width formats or customized, the default is a comma;
File name: The name of the file; it can be customized;
Fraction separator: The separator for the real numbers; it can be customized, the default is a dot.
Maximum rows per line: The number of items of information to fit per one line in the export when grouping by certain criteria. If 1 (default), it will insert one row of information per line. To fit all rows of information grouped by certain criteria in one line, you need to put there a bigger number (for more information and examples, see
Grouping data in the export
Grouping rows ending: If you grouped the information, you could set a character after each end of the line.
Fixed header: You can write here a message for the header;
Fixed footer: You can write here a message for the footer;
File name: The name of the file saved in your location. You can anytime change the default name.
Saved report to: Write the path if you need to save your report. Please note it might replace the file when saving it for the second time; therefore, you have the file name options.
Plugin DLL: This is a customized option for customers; here you should write the name of the DLL to be parsed. Please contact your distributor for this option.
File name options add date to file name, add time to file name, add unique id to file name: This option helps you easily search through the files saved in a desired location. You can add to the name of the filing date, time and unique ID.
Totals per group: If checked, this will export totals per group.
Totals per week: If checked, this will export totals per week.
Totals per report: If checked, this will export totals per report.
Export row type: If checked, this will export a new column named ROW_TYPE and below the rows, Row type value, Weekly total row type value (if Totals per week is checked), Group total row type value (if Totals per group is checked) and Grand total row type value, in the order mentioned by the row type (0, 1, 2, 4). This option applies only to CSV reports/exports.
Row type value: Exports all info in a row marked with the row type number.
Weekly total row type value: If Totals per week is also checked, this option exports only weekly totals in a row marked with the row type number.
Group total row type value: If Totals per group is also checked, this option exports only group totals in a row marked with the row type number.
Grand total row type value: This option exports the grand totals in a separate row marked with the row type number.
Export only totals: If checked, the totals will be exported in the Grand total row type value line, marked with the row type number.
Export type
CSV: This must be checked in order to export data.
File name options
Add date to file name: If checked, the date of export will be added to the file name.
Add unique ID to file name: If checked, a unique ID will be added to the file name.
Add export end date to file name: If checked, the end date of export will be added to the file name.
Add time to file name: If checked, the export time will be added to the file name.
Add export start date to file name: If checked, the start date will be added to the file name.
Tab Settings in Configure Export page in Astrow Web
Place the mouse over the button
to see the hint of the options.