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Employee Data Change Request
In View - Personal Data , an ESS user can see his/her data stored in Astrow and request the HR to change any of the fields. Personal data is considered:
files (tab
Files ).
Personal Data in Astrow Web
In tab
General Data , employees can make change requests of their personal data. To modify a field, click on
Changing personal data in Astrow Web
The field change box opens. Here you can write the new data or correct the old one:
Changing personal data field in Astrow Web
The changed fields will be marked with both old value and new ones:
Creating a request for personal data change in Astrow Web
Saving will send the request to HR for approval. You can see your request in
My Request :
Sending a personal data change in Astrow Web
Tab Free Items is view only.
Personal free items change in Astrow Web
In tab
Files , employees can see and download the files considered
sensitive data . These files are marked by HR as sensitive in
Employees Files .
Downloading personal data files in Astrow Web