
Tab Bulk documents import

Bulk documents import tab of System settings window in Astrow Web
Users with permission to Bulk documents upload can upload multiple employee documents in one operation (see Employee Bulk Documents Upload). These documents will be uniquely identified and sent (e.g. payslips). Here you will define how the application will link the documents to employees.
Curriculum import key: The identifier to be used when naming the files. It can be person number, badge number, employee number (if Allow duplicate employee number from System config. is off) and register number.
File name key start position: Defines the position in the file name where the import key starts.
File name key length: Defines the length in the file name of the import key field. E.g., document with file name 12xxxx will be sent to employee person number 12. It can be viewed and downloaded in View - My Files for ESS users (see View/Download Personal Files).