The number of incidents is not counted for Exception for IA.
The maximum number of self-certificate (SC) days allowed in a year is expressed by the parameter Yearly max. illness days (EIA). The default is 24.
Astrow will raise a notification when adding the self-certificate absence if only a few numbers of days are left. This is expressed by the parameter Left days before notification (EIA), and the default is 4.
The maximum number of days in an interval (defined by parameter Illness interval duration (EIA), default value 16) is expressed by parameter Illness max. days in interval (EIA). The default is 8.
The self-certificate days in an interval can be taken consecutively or not and the counting starts when the user adds the first self-certificate (SC) absence.
After an incident occurs, an interval should pass before taking a new self-certificate (SC), starting with the first working day. This interval is expressed in calendar days, and it is set by the parameter Post illness min. work interval. The default is 16.
7. The same interval before taking a new self-certificate (SC), expressed by the parameter Post illness min. work interval, should pass after using a doctor certificate (DC).