Daily OTcalculates the overtime for each day individually. Daily overtime uses the condition set in the overtime group and linked to the day program.
Daily OT pay group window in Astrow Web
The counters used should be defined first in Configuration - Counter Operations then linked to a definition Counter Definition. This calculation uses the counters definitions Daily OT A-E.
Daily OT counter operation definition in Astrow Web
In the overtime group, you need to define the overtime rule and add to regular. You can also check if the overtime needs authorization. Please make sure you won’t link the same counters (A-E) used by Daily OT to overtime group definition because the calculation will double those:
Overtime group definition in Astrow Web
You can also set the carry over the pay period (in the example above monthly), meaning that at the end of the pay period, the over hours will be adjusted. In case you define carryovers, you may want to store the cut values in two different counters.