Setting the Contact Persons for Visitors
To set the contact persons for the Visitors module, you will need a simple Astrow Web license with 1 MSS and Visitor Registration (optional Visitor Registration Print).
Step 3: Define the companies in Configuration - Groups - Employees - New group as follows.
a. Name the group with the company name and set it as System. In case you need the whole group to be visible as contact, check the option View at visitor check in.
Naming an employee group to work with Visitors in Astrow Web
b. The contact person must be linked in the group. The group must be set as primary team for the contact person:
Linking an employee to visitors group in Astrow Web
c. In tab Visitor configuration, fill in the company details and contact person:
Setting an employee group to work with Visitors in Astrow Web
Location: Write the location.
Phone no.: Company phone number.
Email: Company email.
Terminal welcome message: Here you can write a welcome message to be displayed after registering.
SMS welcome message: Here you can set the SMS welcome message.
Map URL: Here you can add the URL map link. The visitor will receive these details on email and/or SMS.
Map: Here you can upload a photo with the building map.
Logo: Company logo.
d. If there is a big building (company) with sections (or even more companies), you can decide what terminals will correspond to a specific group. Go to System - System config. and activate the option Visitors restricted contact groups. This will enable the possibility to select the terminals for a group. Otherwise, the group will be distributed on all terminals.
Option to see restricted contact groups on a terminal in System - System config. in Astrow Web
You can then select the terminals to correspond to the visitors' group defined:
Selecting the terminals for a group to work with Visitors in Astrow Web