
New/Edit Absence

To define a new absence, go to Configuration - Absences, click and fill in the following fields:
New/Edit absence window in Astrow Web
Define the following:
Code: Add an alphanumeric identification code (max. 3 characters).
Payroll: Add a payroll code to be used in exports.
Color: Select a colour that will be used to display the absence in the different overviews.
Color picker in absence window in Astrow Web
Name: Full name for the absence (max. 32 characters). This name will be used in the drop-down list in the daily overview.
Holiday: Here you can select the holiday counter from which the absence will be deducted. This way, Astrow can calculate the different kinds of taken and left holidays. 
Max. absent time (daily base): Here you can define the T and C counters that are influenced each time this absence is applied. In addition, you can define the maximum number of hours a day the absence can be applied (if this number is exceeded, an anomaly will be generated in the daily overview).
Authorization time settings: Here you can select the authorization time types that have to be available and the authorization time that appears as default when using the absence.
The symbols in front of the absence time types indicate the influence of the absence on the holiday counters if any. These symbols only apply to the holiday counters that can both be taken in hours and days.
Deducts the calculated number of hours
Deducts half a day
Deducts one day
Deducts the selected number of hours
Explanation of the absence time settings:
– if checked, this type will be used as default when adding it or making an absence request;
– if checked, this type will be used when adding the absence;
– if checked, this type will be used in Astrow when making an absence request; it works with ESS license.
Use the header checkboxes to select or deselect all. Click Save to add the changes made.
Absence definition in Astrow Web