Check-in / Check-out Visitors from Mobile Terminal
Logging in the terminal mobile for visitors
Step 1. To register a visitor, press the button Visitor check-in:
Visitors registration on the mobile terminal
Step 2. Fill in the name, email and card number.
Checking in a visitor on the mobile terminal
If you need to check in a group, click Extra visitor for each of the members of the group.
Registering a group of visitors at Visitors Check-in
Step 3. Fill in the contact person name.
Searching for a contact person for visitor registration on the mobile terminal
When writing the first 3 letters, a list with possible contact persons appears. If this doesn't happen, go to
Visitor configuration and check the option
Use autocomplete for host selection.
Adding the contact person for visitor registration on the mobile terminal
Step 4. Introduce the car plate number:
Adding the parking details for visitor registration on the mobile terminal
Step 5. Fill in the representing organization or group:
Adding the visitor's company or group for visitor registration on the mobile terminal
Step 6. Fill in the visit purpose:
Visit purpose for visitor registration on mobile terminal
If you have a GDPR policy and visitors must agree with the terms and conditions of your company, you need to select the option
Security policy in
Visitors configuration so that the checkbox I agree with security policy and the legal information appear at this step. Visitors can also read and agree with the company security policy if the option Security policy legal information is filled in Visitors configuration.
Security custom message for visitor registration on the mobile terminal
Visit purpose and GDPR for visitor registration on mobile terminal
Step 7. The visitor is registered:
Visitor successfully registered on the mobile terminal
Step 8. To check out a visitor, press the button Visitor check-out:
Mobile terminal for visitor check-out
Step 9: Enter the first 3 letters from the name and select the name from the list. When writing the first 3 letters, a list with possible visitors appears. If this doesn't happen, go to
Visitor configuration and check the option
Use autocomplete for check-out operation.
Checking a visitor out on the mobile terminal
If you want to check out a group, fill in the first 3 letters from one of the names:
Checking a group out at Visitors Check-out
You can check out the whole group by selecting the checkmark

Checking the option Checkout all group at Visitors Check-out
Step 10. The visitor checked out successfully.
Visitor successfully checked out on mobile terminal