
Tab Break/Round - Link Break and Rounding Groups and Set Time Revisions to a Day Program

Here you can add breaks, rounding groups and set revisions to your day program.
Tab Break/Round in New/Edit day program window in Astrow Web
Breaks: Select the break group(s) from the drop-down menus if there are any defined. If not, you can create one by clicking . See Break Groups for more details.
You can add up to 5 breaks, 1 lunch break and 4 coffee breaks. The break group you link to your day program has a break time defined. Here you will set the break zone. If the zone you define here is bigger than the break time set in the break definition in Configuration - Break Groups - New/Edit break group, then you will have a flexible break, meaning you can take your break anytime within the time zone. If the break zone corresponds to the break time this will be a fixed break. 
Comparing the settings of a break in New/Edit day program with the setting of the break group in Astrow Web
In the example above, the employee can take his lunch break one half an hour between 12:00 and 13:30.
If the parameter If lunch break not clocked, subtract complete break zone is checked when defining the break group, in case the employees forgets to punch, the entire zone will be deducted, not only the break time.
The start and end of the break zone is also used to mark the first half and second half of a day. This is used with absences type first/second half, late arrival and early leave. Please note that those absences will be influenced only by the lunch break, so it's important to define it if you want to use them.
Revisions: You can add up to 10 revisions with a forward or backward effect (direction of the arrows). These revisions do not relate to a type of booking; as soon as a booking is made within this revision zone, it will be revised upwards or downwards, in the direction of the arrow. You can also have overlapping revisions, but there will be no cascade effect (a booking can only be revised once and the last revision will be executed first).
Rounding group: Select the rounding group(s) from the drop-down menus if there are any defined. If not, you can create one by clicking . See Rounding Groups for more details.