Manual Installation

Astrow IO Service is compatible with Astrow starting version 8.2.
To install the tool, copy the kit in the desired location and follow the next steps:
Step 1: Copy the dll files (Astrow.dll and Business.dll) in C:\ - inetpub - wwwroot - Astrow - bin.
Step 2: Copy the Astrow.js file in C:\ - inetpub - wwwroot - Astrow and replace the existing one.
Step 3: Run the file Database.sql in your database.
Step 4: Run the AstrowIOServiceManager.exe with Run as administrator (please always run the exe with Run as administrator).
Step 5: When the tool is opened, click the button Install service to install the service and then click Save settings.
Step 6: Write the Astrow URL and click Save settings.
Here it is a description of the Astrow IO Service tool page:
Manual Installation

Service config path

This is the service path automatically written by the tool.

Astrow URL

This is the application URL that must be filled manually.

Astrow user and password

Log in with your user and password.

Import interval

This the time interval in seconds in which the tool searches for the import file.

Info button

Here are the tool information:

Install service button

This is the button to install the service.

Reload settings button

This is the button to reload all settings in Config.xml file.

Save settings button

This is the button to save the settings.

Checkbox to enable the service

9. Checkbox to enable the service
Your service must be enabled in order to run.

Employees import tab

This is the Employee import tab (see Automatic Import Employees).

Absences import tab

This is the Absence import tab (see Absences Import).

Planning import tab

This is the Planning tab (see Planning Import).

Bookings import tab

This is the Booking import tab (see Bookings Import).

Holidays import tab

This is the Holiday import tab (see Holidays Import).

Service log tab

This is the Service log tab (see Logs).