Add, Edit and Delete an Employee Record in Employees Window

To operate in Employees window, click Configuration - Employees. Employees window opens:
Employees window in Astrow Web
A list with all employees defined opens. To add a new employee, click (see New/Edit Employee) or use the button duplicate to copy an existing definition for easy editing.
The minimum amount of information required in Employees definition in order for an employee to start making bookings is Name, Badge no., Start calculation, Cycle and Pay group which you can set in tab System. Follow the links below for more explanations about employee definitions.
Alternatively you can import the list of employees in .txt format. Click the button and select the file.
For further details, please see Import Employees.
To edit an employee definition, click or double click on its name. For multiple editing employees, see Multiple Editing Employees. You can change multiple definitions by using . While when using Edit filtered the user can change multiple definition for all the employees in a filter, when using Edit selection the user can change the definitions only for employees manually selected.
To delete an employee, click on .
Deleting an employee will delete all history data in the database and release the license!
For detailed instructions about employees definitions, please see New/Edit Employee.
There are two types of filters you can use for employees actions: a predefined filters set and a customable filter.
Use the button to filter employees by a predefined filters set. These filters can combine conditions related to:
Possibility of choosing the preview by Astrow Web user account:
  • Show all – displays all records available;
  • With user – displays only the employees assigned to users in Astrow Web;
  • Without user – displays only employees without a user defined in Astrow Web.
Possibility of choosing the preview by contract:
  • Show all – displays all records available;
  • Active contract – displays only the employees with an active contract;
  • Inactive contract – displays only employees with an inactive contract.
Possibility of choosing the preview by group:
  • Everybody – displays all groups in the system;
  • All employees (System) – displays the group with all employees;
  • Defined groups – displays only the employees in a defined group.
Possibility of choosing the preview by department:
  • All & N/A – displays all employees with or without a department linked;
  • Defined departments – displays only the employees in a defined department.
Using filters actions you can edit information related to: edit information , rebuild holiday , recalculation and edit HR definition (with HR license).
Use the button to create a custom filter of employees if none defined. Click to add a filter and to clear the existing filter.
Use the button to  create a set of conditions to apply to your filter and the button to delete conditions from a filter.
Employees custom filter in Astrow Web
Use the button to apply the selection without saving it or you can apply and save the filter by choosing the button :
Saving an employees custom filter in Astrow Web
Click to cancel the filter.
You can switch between filters, add, edit or delete filters from the dropdown command list.
Employees custom filter dropdown command list in Astrow Web
Here are the functions which can be done from Employees list:
Add bulk employee documents for the selected employees (see Employee Bulk Documents Upload) - use this to load payslips or other documents, individually or in a bulk way (rules described in section Employee Bulk Documents Upload).
Recalculation (see Recalculation) - use recalculation whenever you change a definition (day program, cycle, etc.). Using this recalculation module, you can update the data (performances, results, etc.) based on the new parameters.
Rebuild holiday (see Rebuild Holiday) - use rebuild holiday whenever a definition is modified and this affects holiday calculations. This refers to changing a counter linked to an absence, an absence definition, a holiday scheme etc.
Shift holidays (see Shifting the Holidays) - use this to shift the holidays periods in the curriculum at the start of a new period. The period marked as the current period becomes the previous period. The next period now becomes the current period and a new next period is automatically created.
Shift holiday history (see Shift Holidays History) - use this to view and edit the shifts of holidays made.
Scheduler (see Scheduler) -  use this function to view and change the day programs schedule.
Duplicate - use this function to duplicate an employee definition. It will duplicate all common definitions, except the unique personal ones.
If you have a license for Bio distribution and Morpho connections, you can also enroll employees or delete templates directly from this page. To enroll fingerprints, select an employee and click . If you have more Morpho connections assigned, you can select the enrollment terminal from the list.
For further details about enrollment on iT300 bio, please see Enroll Employee on iT300 Bio.
For further details about enrollment on Morpho, please see Enroll Employee on Morpho 200/J/500+.
Bio statuses:
- the employee doesn't have templates or the employee is inactive or the badge number is 0.
- the employee has templates, but no terminal assigned.
- the employee has templates, terminals assigned and the templates are synchronized to the terminals.
- the employee has templates, but they are not synchronized with all terminals assigned.
You can also delete templates from this page. To delete fingerprints templates, select an employee and click . You need to confirm this operation. After the confirmation, the templates will be deleted for the employee selected.
To resend the fingerprints to the terminal(s), use .
When using HR (special license required), all employee definitions will be made here using . (see HR Curriculum for more details).
Using the tool you will be able to make multiple changes of the holiday definitions for your employees (see Multiple Holiday Changes).