
View Own Holiday Card

Holiday card shows the status of holiday taken or to be taken from a year entitlement. Each time you use an absence linked to a counter, the results will be displayed in the holiday card. You can have up to 20 holidays defined (see Holiday Counters Definitions in Astrow Web). You can also view the holiday card of your team members in Team Manager (see View Holiday Card in Team Manager).
To view own holiday card in Astrow Web, go to View - Holiday Card.
Holiday Card window in Astrow Web
The following is an explanation of the table used:
The following is a list of other options available:
Sending the holiday card via email:
Navigation buttons for periods:
moves to previous year;
current year;
moves to next year.
Status communication with Astrow Comm:
  • shows that Astrow did not proceed the last calculations as it is busy or the calculation service is not running;
  • shows that all data of the day is up to date.
Refresh button.
For more details about the settings in Astrow Web for holiday card, see Holidays and Seniority Schemes.