
Report Settings

In tab Settings, you can define some settings for displaying/saving the report:
Export header: if checked, the report will display the header in the export files, otherwise not;
Hours format: can be set to HH.dd (hundreds) or minutes HH:mm; by default it is set to hundreds;
CSV separator: the separator used in CSV reports; it can be customized, the default is comma;
Fraction separator: the separator for the real numbers; it can be customized, the default is dot;
Fixed header: you can write here a message for header;
Fixed footer: you can write here a message for footer;
Saved report to: write the path if you need to save you report; please note it might replace the file when saving it for the second time, therefore you have the file name options.
Totals (per group, per report, per week): totals are available for some reports, in order to be visible in the report you need to activate the option.
Export type HTML (always checked), EXCEL or CSV: if checked the report will enable excel or csv export.
File name options add date to file name, add time to file name, add unique id to file name: this options help you easily search through the files saved in a desired location. You can add to the name of the file date, time and unique ID.
Tab Settings in Configure Report page in Astrow Web
Place the cursor over button to see the hint of the options.