
Tab Bottom

Defining a column header bottom in Suite legacy report in Astrow Web
Use this tab to print a list of all count and/or time items at the end of your report. These counters contain periodic values (as set in the pay groups) for the last period of your report. This implies that if your report covers more than one period, there will be a difference between these totals and the grand total set in Body(II).
Example of selecting cumulative counters for a column header bottom in Suite legacy report in Astrow Web
Fields, Formats, Lines, Header: These are the same as can be defined in Body(I). Here a perfect correspondence should be done with fields in Body(I).
Comments: These four fields can be used for any information you want e.g. remarks, general information etc. These fields are printed as footer at the bottom of the report.
Example of defining a Suite legacy report bottom page in Astrow Web