The calculations status can be seen in Astrow Web on the right bottom of each active page with MSS license. If all calculations are updated, the calculation page is hidden.
- Calculations are in progress. Double-click to see the status.
- Astrow Service is stopped. You may need to restart it.
Calculations status in Astrow Web
In queue - Calculation is in queue to be processed. This may mean the service is not started or there are many calculations to be processed.
Calculations in queue in Astrow Web with double-click
In progress - Astrow Service started to process the calculation.
Failed - The calculation is failed. This happens because the employee might not be assigned a correct pay group, cycle or chop group or it is a gap between the pay group assigned and the calculating period. In order to solve this, check the employee definitions and reprocess the calculation afterwards. Failed calculations can be also deleted from the list.