
New/Edit Counter Operation

You can add a predefined counter operation or a custom formula. Predefined counters operations are those used in definitions, but they can also populate other counters the user define. For reference, see a complete explanation at page Counters Operations.
To link a predefined formula with a counter, first create the T or C counter (see Counters Definitions) and  then go to Configuration - Counter Operations. Click to create a new counter operation:
New/Edit Counter operation window in Astrow Web
Select the operation type to apply your calculation.
Selecting a predefined type of operation in New/Edit Counter operation window in Astrow Web
You can use the rule to populate maximum 5 counters:
Operation with a predefined definition in New/Edit Counter operation formula in Astrow Web
To fill in the counter, you can type it or press F2 to select it from a list with counters defined (see List of Counters).
Custom formulas are those created with simple arithmetical operations, as adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, minimum and maximum. To add a counter formula, first create the T counters to include in your calculation (see Counters Definitions) and then go to Configuration - Counter Operations. Click to create a new counter operation and select the formula to apply your calculation:
Selecting a custom type of operation in New/Edit Counter operation window in Astrow Web
As an example, if we need T7 counter to be populated with norm time, we will create T7 (=0 initially) + Norm = T7. To fill in the counter, you can type it or press F2 to select it from the counters defined (see List of Counters).
Example of operation with a custom definition in New/Edit Counter operation formula in Astrow Web
One wants to multiply with 50% the overtime in nonworking days. First define an overtime counter to be used only with a nonworking day program, e.g. T6 and then the counter to multiply the value, e.g. T8. A new definition can be made:
Example of operation with a custom definition in New/Edit Counter operation formula in Astrow Web
Priority refers to the counter operation priority. If you have one or more operations and they use the same counters in common, e.g. T6+T2=T5 and T5%50 x 1 = T7 priority 2, you can set priority of operations. In this example you can set the first operation priority 1 and the second priority 2. This way the second operation will use the result of the first one.