
Tab Civil Status

HR Curriculum - tab Civil Status in Astrow Web
This tab enables the possibility of filling personal details for your employees. Some items are view only. They can be modified only with HR Manager role from Configuration - Employees - New/Edit employee - tab Personal Info (see Tab Personal Info - Add and Edit an Employee Personal Info).
ID card number: View only.
Social sec no.: Free field for social security number.
Gender: View only.
Nationality: View only.
Date of birth: View only.
Place of birth: View only.
Legal state: View only.
Military status: Free field for military status.
Father name: Free field for father name.
Mother name: Free field for mother name.
Driver license no.: Free field for driving license number.
Driver license type: Fill in the employee function in the driving license type or select one already existing function from the drop-down list. If defined once, it will be added to the list.
Selecting a driver license type in HR Curriculum in Astrow Web
You can delete it from the list by simply deleting the field if this was not assigned elsewhere.
Level of education: Select the employee level of education from the drop-down list (high school, college short term, college long term, university, post university or MBA).
Citizenship: Free field for citizenship.
Religion: Free field for religion.