
Activity Mobile Application

To log in, use the domain ID (in Security - System - Mobile application config.), manager user for web application and password.
For Cloud users, the domain ID is the domain name sent by Amano. Please do not use the one generated here!
Please note the managers must be assigned the roles Manager and ActivityManager (see Assign Roles to Users and Customize Permissions).
Activity mobile log in page
To start an activity, select the employees and press Start:
Activity mobile starting activity
Select the activity and activity type. Activities and activity types are defined in Astrow Web (see Activity Definitions).
Activity mobile selecting activity and type
 Press Start to start counting the time for this activity. Comments can be added at the beginning and the end of each activity.
For your activity reporting, you can make the start and the end notes compulsory for the managers (e.g. trainers) in Astrow Web settings. In Settings - System - tab System config. set parameter Allow Mobile activity empty notes on NO.
Activity mobile activity start
Editing can be done per employee. Here you can edit the activity time of an employee by manually entering the time; this will stop the activity for that employee. If you need to edit the activity later on, see Activity Management in Astrow Web and New/Edit Activity.
Activity mobile activity edit
 To stop the activity for more employees, select them and press Stop. Reports will be displayed in Astrow Web, see Activity Management in Astrow Web for further references.
Activity mobile stop
To reset the activity for one or more employees, select them and press Reset. This will cancel the activity without showing it in reports.
Activity mobile reset