
New/Edit Smart Holiday

Here you can set a smart holiday.
New/Edit smart holiday in pay group definition in Astrow Web
DP: Select any available day program from the list or select ?? – Cycle DP. The smart holiday will be applied to the employees that use the selected day program. If you select the option ?? - Cycle DP, the Smart Holiday will be applied to any day program.
Notation: This parameter enables you to specify how a holiday will be applied. Depending on the choice you made, you will have two or three available input fields to enter the date of a holiday. 
Non-working day: This option enables you to specify how the system should react if this holiday falls on a non-working day, e.g. where the 1st January is a Sunday. We have 3 options:
·     Select Next working day to move this holiday to the next working day, e.g. if the 1st January is a Sunday, this holiday will be moved to Monday.
·     Select Next [day] to move this holiday to the next day, e.g. move this holiday to the next Friday.
·     Select Don’t assign holiday if you want to move this holiday manually to another day.
Absence: Here you can add an absence code to this holiday. This way you can define the number of hours (in case of a paid holiday) to be saved in a time item.  If you do not add an absence code, no hours will be registered.