
Security Levels, Roles and Permissions

A role in Astrow Web is a set of permission to be assigned for each user. The chapters below will guide you configure roles in Astrow Web.
Although some system and default roles are defined, the application also enables the possibility of adding or custom roles. One user can have more roles, default, system or customable, depending on the needs in your organization.
System roles (Manager, HR, Administrator, VTUser, MobileVTUser, ESSUser, Authorizer, RunReportsExports, ActivityManager) in Astrow Web have predefined sets of permissions consisting in system permissions and/or customable permissions. System permissions refer to the license of the product and they cannot be customized. Customable permissions can be added or removed. Administrator role is defined by system for any license.
The HR master user will by default take the role of a Manager and consume 1 MSS license. It will be assigned to All employees (System) as a system group and all new employees will be included in this system group. The master user HR will have full configuration rights for all employees, thus also the role of Manager. It will be able to act as a Manager for the system group All employees (System). All employees (System) is a group which will be automatically updated whenever adding or deleting an employee in the system. All employees (System) cannot be assigned to other users; in case there are more HR persons entitled to operate for all employees, we advice you to create new groups and include all employees manually.
Default roles (Employee, Terminal Manager, TrustedUser) are conceived to help the users in assigning roles; they are predefined with sets of permissions most known to count for each role. However, default roles can be customized or deleted. Besides the roles predefined, users can define and customize roles that suit their organizational needs.
A customable role includes only permissions defined manually from a list of possible permissions.
Consult Custom Permissions to a Role to see what roles are predefined for your license(s)!