
Add, Edit and Delete Bookings in Daily Overview

To add a booking from Team Manager daily view, go to Operations - Team Manager and double-click on a cell. Daily overview for selected employee opens:
Daily View window ready for daily operations in Team Manager in Astrow Web
Click in Bookings section. Following window opens:
Add/Edit booking window in Daily View of Team Manager in Astrow Web
You can add bookings as in VT, with the possibility of customizing the hour of booking.
The navigation buttons helps you to easy operate with the new booking, more useful for night shifts:
if selected, the booking will be inserted in the previous day;
if selected, the booking will be inserted in the current day;
if selected, the booking will be inserted in the next day.
MC and CC codes are listed from Team Manager as defined in Configuration menu.
Selecting the CC type of booking in Add/Edit booking window in Daily View of Team Manager in Astrow Web
To edit a booking, select it and click or double-click on it. The Add/edit bookings window opens and you can edit it in the same manner as described above.
You can check the modified bookings by the way they are displayed in daily view:
Click the button to see modified bookings:
Original bookings displayed in Daily view window in Team Manager in Astrow Web
Click the button to see only the real bookings generated from the terminals:
Real bookings displayed in Daily view window in Team Manager in Astrow Web
For bookings with Astrow Mobile, booking location will be displayed and can be checked:
Bookings sent from Astrow Mobile displayed in Daily view window in Team Manager in Astrow Web
To delete a booking from team manager, select the booking desired and click .
To authorize or reject a booking with MC, select the booking and click the buttons or .