
Time Card Window

Timecard enables the users to view, add, modify and delete bookings and absences requests for themselves with the proper license(s) or rights defined, for one day (daily view) or a period selected. Managers can access the timecard of the employees in their teams from Team Manager, right-click on an employee cell and the button (see Time Card Window in Team Manager for more details).
In timecard you can:
For more details, see System Settings related to number of days in the past / future to edit bookings / absences.
To add/modify own bookings from timecard, go to Operations - Time Card.
Timecard full view in Astrow Web
The operating buttons in timecard are:
- add bookings from timecard; available only with ESS license and Self Edit Bookings permission;
- add absences from timecard; available only with ESS license and Self Edit Absences permission;
- add notes in timecard; available only with ESS license, Edit Notes permission;
- send time card via email (see Send Time Card by Email).
- link to My T&A Status (see Own Status Confirmation).
A complete view in timecard will display a table with days of the week, dates, daily programs, anomalies, bookings, absences and counters defined in Preferences.
For details see Preferences.
Tool-tips are displayed to have a quick overview of one day:
Tool-tip in Timecard in Astrow Web