
Daily View Window in Team Manager

Daily view is a full operational window of a single day. To operate in team manager daily view, go to Operations - Team Manager and double-click on a cell or right-click and then click on Daily view button:
Team Manager single-cell selection to access Daily view in Astrow Web
Daily view window opens:
Daily View window in Team Manager in Astrow Web
The operating buttons in daily view are:
Adds new booking / absence;
Adds new project booking;
Deletes booking / absence;
Edits booking / absence;
Download absence document;
Authorizes bookings with MC;
Rejects authorization for bookings with MC;
Adds a note (notes will be seen by managers);
Views notes;
Data collection (requests) daily list (see Add, Edit and Delete a Data Collection Entry in Daily View);
Change day program.
For details about notes, see Add, Edit and Delete Notes in Daily View.
For more details about changing the day program, see Change Day Program in Daily Overview.
Types of displaying bookings in daily view:
Blue bookings are project bookings.
Tool-tips display more information about modified bookings:
Modified booking details in Daily view window in Timecard in Astrow Web
Click the button to see modified bookings:
Original bookings displayed in Daily view window in Timecard in Astrow Web
Click the button to see only the real bookings generated from the terminals:
Real bookings displayed in Daily view window in Timecard in Astrow Web
For bookings with Astrow Mobile, booking location will be displayed:
Bookings sent from Astrow Mobile displayed in Daily view window in Timecard in Astrow Web
User can decide if some anomalies are displayed in daily view. Using the button , the anomaly will not be displayed until reactivation. Cleared anomalies will be displayed if the user selects Show active & cleared or Show cleared.
Original bookings displayed in Daily view window in Timecard in Astrow Web
The following is a list of other options available:
The possibility of displaying the bookings processed / unprocessed;
Navigation buttons for time periods:
moves to previous period;
moves to previous day;
current element;
moves to next day;
moves to next period.
Status communication:
  • both buttons refresh the calculation after processing;
  • shows that Astrow Web is busy calculating;
  • shows that all data of the day is up to date.
For details related to communication, see Communication.