
    Astrow Service Manual Installation

    Please note that Notification Service from version 1.0 of Astrow Web is now embedded in the new Astrow Service.
    Step 1: IMPORTANT!
    If Notification Service from version 1.0 is installed, uninstall it:
    a) open command prompt and navigate to folder.
    c:\Program Files\AmanoTIS\NotificationService
    b) type installutil.exe /u NotificationService.exe;
    c) after uninstall you can delete the folder.
    c:\Program Files\AmanoTIS\NotificationService
    Step 2: Extract AstrowService.zip content to folder (which needs to be created first).
    c:\Program Files\AmanoTIS\AstrowService
    Step 3: Open a command prompt and navigate to folder
    c:\Program Files\ AmanoTIS\AstrowService
    Step 4: Type installutil.exe /i AstrowService.exe to install the service.
    Step 5: Fill in the AstrowService.exe.config file the right connection database (there are also other settings which can be set up in the config file, but the defaults should be kept as they are).
    <add name="AstrowConnectionString" connectionString="Database=AstrowDB;Server=(local);user id=sa;password=sa;"/>
    Or for a trusted SQL connection:
    <add name="AstrowConnectionString" connectionString="Database=AstrowDB;Server=(local);Trusted_Connection=True;"/>
    Step 6: Start the service from Start - Control panel - Administrative Tools  Services.
    Starting Astrow services
    Step 8: Astrow service is now up and running. You can check the log files from "c:\Program Files\AmanoTIS\AstrowService\Log\". In the log there are for every day 3 types of logs:
    ·     Service logs;
    ·     Calculation logs;
    ·     Notification logs.