
Troubleshooting when Sending Results

Q. I have checked the parameters and it's all set properly, but still no results are sent. What do I do in this case?
A. If all set properly, there are 2 main reasons why sending results might not work:
1. Astrow Calculation is not working. This might happen because there are bookings not yet processed. To check this, go to Tools - Services status or just click from the top bar. The tool-tips will guide you about the problems:
Checking services status if results are not sent in Astrow Web 
First, restart Astrow Service. If, after restart, the calculations still don't work, please archive and send to support for investigation the following logs:
a. Astrow Service logs from Program Files - Amano TIS - Astrowservice - Log;
b. Astrow logs from inetpub - logs.
2. Please check if the physical connection with the terminal (network cable) if functional.