
Terminal Configuration for Projects

If you need to enter project bookings from the terminal, you need to check Projects collect in the terminal definition:
Selecting the Project collect option for the new ST-25 terminal in Terminal Manager window in Astrow Web
There are 2 configurations for Projects module:
1. ASTROW: If you use the Projects module as integrated with Astrow Web.
ST-25 Terminal with ASTROW configuration
2. PROJECTS: If you don't use Astrow Web for time and attendance, but only the Projects module.
ST-25 Terminal with PROJECTS configuration
The configuration needs to be assigned on all ST-25 terminals which will collect project information. This is done in Communication - Terminal Manager - ST-25 New/Edit - Configuration (see New/Edit ST-25 for more details):
Choosing the configuration for the new ST-25 terminal in Terminal Manager window in Astrow Web
You can set on the terminal if the users are allowed to start more projects at ones. In this case parameter Project multi user jobs from Configuration () - Settings - Parameters should be on Yes. Otherwise the second project booking will be on the open activity.
ST-25 Terminal parameter configuration