
Pocket PIP

Pocket PIP is a functionality for managers or staff to check the PIP status from mobile, whether they are or not physically in the company. This mobile application works with PIP web (see Presence Indication Panel (PIP)) for more details) and license for Pocket PIP. Make sure you have the permissions View Pocket PIP and View Pocket PIP Public. Pocket PIP is also very helpful in emergency cases for roll call and status confirmation.
Pocket PIP will be downloaded on mobile from Google Store (Android) or App Store (iPhone) . To log in, use the domain ID (in Security - System - Mobile application config.), user and password.
For Cloud users, the domain ID is the domain name sent by Amano. Please do not use the one generated here!
Pocket PIP log in page
Pocket PIP will display the current status. The status can be simple or detailed, as set per user in user preferences (in Astrow Web, go to System - Preferences - User interface - PIP view mode and set the PIP mode).
Pocket PIP operation page
You can set PIP auto refresh interval in Settings (button to display the options).
Pocket PIP settings
You can also set the number of cells per line:
Pocket PIP setting the number of cells per line
Press button to display the current filters (per team, terminal or PIP status):
Pocket PIP filters
 Use the button to send the PIP status on email:
Pocket PIP email option
This is an example of Pocket PIP status sent by email:
Pocket PIP email example
To activate the roll call, just switch on the roll call status (from to ).
Pocket PIP roll call activation
Use the button to confirm your employees. Once confirmed, they will disappear from this list. Press the button to see all employees confirmed:
Pocket PIP roll call status confirmed
You can switch the status to unconfirmed with button .
Use the button to send the roll call PIP status on email.
Example of roll call by email
Use the button to switch back to confirmation page.