
(to be discontinued) Mobile Bookings Operations

Mobile VT was totally included and much more improved in the new mobile app, Astrow Mobile. This version working on the browser of mobile smartphones or tablets will be soon discontinued.
Mobile VT is an application on the browser of your mobile or tablet. It was developed for situations when employees’ tasks are assigned in changeable locations, e.g. sales or other outsourced services, satellites offices, home working employees, leasing personnel etc.
The web application has the look and feel specific to mobile devices and includes the functionalities described below:
Screen VT – enables users to use virtual terminal.
Screen Bookings – shows the bookings for today and previous days (30 in the past).
Screen Results – shows the results (for more details see Result Group).
Screen Counters - shows the counters set to appear in daily view, which have values for the current day (for more information related to counters to be displayed, see Counters Definitions).
Screen Data Collection - here you can enter the number of operations executed in a day (for more details about data collection, see Data Collection).
The application was tested for iOS (iPhone, iPad with Safari browser) and Android (Browser browser).
The URL to the mobile application is pointing to AstrowMobile.aspx page:
<server name>/Astrow/AstrowMobile.aspx
Please note that a public IP is necessary to access a Astrow Web from the Internet where usually the mobile devices are connected.
For ease operating, you can create a shortcut on your mobile screen .
When entering the application, you will be asked for the user and password from Astrow Web.
Astrow Mobile login page
In the main screen you will find the same functionalities for VT:
Astrow Mobile VT page
Select the MC or CC, if applicable and make a booking.
Select window in Astrow Mobile VT page
The booking will go in Bookings tab:
Astrow Mobile Bookings page
It will stay in the Bookings tab for a few seconds, and then return to main screen.
In Bookings you can see your daily bookings. Pull down the list to refresh the options.
Astrow Mobile bookings view for current day
If you swipe the list left, you can see the bookings for each day over the last 30 days. Choose VT to return at the current day.
Astrow Mobile bookings view of a previous day
In Results tab you can see your results for the current day.
Astrow Mobile results
To refresh the list, simply pull down.
Refresh in Astrow Mobile
To see the daily counters, check the Counters tab :
Daily counters in Astrow Mobile
Go to Data collection tab to insert a number of operations.
Data collection in Astrow Mobile
Select the operation and add value:
Enter data collection in Astrow Mobile
Use the button to log out of application.