The input definition enables certain alerts (door stays open, forced access) visible on the monitor and the possibility, using the second relay of a terminal, to set an alarm by means of an external signal. On the other hand, an access can be made using a push button.
In practice: Relay 1 is activated in case of a valid access clocking and opens the door. Using sensors, the state of the doors and possible alerts can be registered and reported via Input 1. An alert can be passed on to Relay 2 which on its turn will activate an acoustic or visual signal on a connected terminal. In addition, this same door can be opened using a push button (access simulation). However, if the input type is defined as Full access control, each activation of the push button will cause an alert and will generate the message Forced access. To avoid this anomaly, the push button should be connected to Input 2.
To define an input, go to
Access - GS Manager and select
or go to Access - GS Definitions - Inputs (here you can define inputs for all GS terminals defined).
Inputs list window in GS Manager - Access in Astrow Web
To edit an input definition, select it and click
or just double click on it (see Add/Edit Input for more details).
To reset the definition, select it and click
. This will reset the definition to default mode.
The definitions are automatically sent after editing, however this can be also done manually. You can resend the selected definitions by using the button
, or all definitions with the button